The terminal of a battery that is connected to the positive plate. 连接正极板的电池的一个终端。
Studies on the preparation and the electrochemical properties of LiCoO_2 doping Zr and Ti positive plate material 锆、钛复合掺杂锂钴氧化物正极材料制备及电化学性能研究
The upper part and the lower part in the electrostatic case are respectively provided with a negative plate, and a positive plate is arranged between the two negative plates. 在静电箱中的上部和下部分别有一个负极板,在两个负极板之间有一个正极板;
This paper elucidates the keeping properties of domestic Huaguang brand positive PS plate. 本文论述了国产华光牌阳图PS版的保存性能。
The positive plate is tubular plate, which can effectively prevent the active materials from falling off. 正极板是管状板,可有效地防止活性物质的泄漏。
High performance positive plate for lead-acid battery 铅酸蓄电池用高性能正极板
It was found that the fast cycle life of battery was limited by negative plate, but not by positive plate, and deep cycle life was mainly limited by positive plate. 通过铅膏配方试验,发现制约电池快速寿命的是负极板而不是正极板,制约深循环寿命的主要是正极板。
Studying the positive plate quality, electrolyte composition, additive and manufacturing operation how to effect electrolytical copper quality in production process and finding the method to improve electrolytical copper quality. 研究了电解铜生产过程中阳极板质量、电解液成分、添加剂和生产操作等因素对电解铜质量的影响,并针对上述影响因素,提出了进一步提高电解铜质量的办法。
Using the traditional electrolysis refining technology, impurities contained in silver positive plate would affect the quality of pure silver product directly or indirectly. 采用传统的电解精练工艺,粗银所含杂质直接或间接地影响纯银产品的质量。
The causes of cracking and the effects of charge time, over-charge and the washing process on cracking of positive plate were analyzed in this paper. 分析了正极板开裂的原因以及预化成时充电时间、过充电和洗涤工艺对正极板开裂的影响;
The electrolysis of silver positive plate containing high copper and lead 高铜铅银阳极板的电解
Effects of the alloy for positive plate, the additives in negative plate and the proportion of positive grid to negative grid on the cycle life of lead acid battery were studied. 研究了正极合金材料、负极添加剂和正负板栅比例对深循环铅酸蓄电池循环寿命的影响。
Modal Anslysis of Electrostatic Precipitator with Positive Plate 静电除尘器阳极板模态分析
Using two kinds of form nickel positive plate, membrane and metal hydride negative plate, 2/ 3D size MH/ Ni batteries with different charge discharge rate property were produced, the technological parameters and process path were introduced. 给出了使用点焊和端面焊导电极耳的泡沫镍正极板,然后与隔膜及金属氢化物负极板组装2/3D型金属氢化物/镍(MH/Ni)电池的技术参数和工艺过程。
When the amount of PVDF and acetylene black is 7~ 10% and 8%, the positive plate obtained possesses optimum properties in our studies. 本研究中PVDF粘结剂的添加量在7一10%,乙炔黑导电剂的添加量在8%左右,正极极片的性能最佳。
In addition, adding proper Pb 3O 4 in positive plate and selecting appropriate quantity and density of electrolyte could increase the specific energy up to 40Wh/ kg and improve the performance at low temperature. 正极铅膏中加入适量四氧化三铅,选取适宜的电液量及电液密度等手段,提高了电池的比能量达40Wh/kg,改善了低温性能。
The distributions of current density and potential on the negative plates with the radiational or expanded grid designs are more uniform than those on the positive plate. 辐射式和拉网式负极板在化成开始时电流密度和电位的分布都比正极板上分布均匀得多。
On line Measurement and Control of the Thickness of Copper Positive Plate 阳极板浇铸厚度的在线检测及控制
Finding the proper capacity ratio of negative and positive plate; 确定负极与正极容量比;
When the area rate between positive plate and negative pate is 1 ∶ 3, the maximum of reduction for tangential force is 8.8%. 当正负极面积比为1∶3时,最佳减阻值为88%。
A study on the paste-filling for tubular positive plate of lead-acid battery 铅酸蓄电池管式正极板挤膏工艺研究
The results show that when the battery is charged at low current and constant voltage, its failure mode is the sulphation of negative plate and the softening of positive plate; 研究表明:小电流恒压充电,电池失效的模式是负极硫酸盐化和正极活性物质软化;
Solution to Pasted Positive Plate Buckling of Lead-acid Storage Battery 铅酸蓄电池涂膏式正极板弯曲原因及对策
Study on the failure mechanism for positive plate of VRLA battery VRLA电池正极失效机理研究
For higher discharge capacity and voltage platform, more electric leading lines on positive plate or the end-face weld process was suggested. 采取增加正极板上焊接极耳的数量或使用端面焊方法,可提高电池的放电比容量及放电电压平台。
The capacity of lead-acid battery is mainly controlled by the characteristics ratio of the active material of positive plate. Much research has been done on improving the utilization ratio of the active material of the positive plate and extending the life of battery for years. 铅酸蓄电池的容量主要受正极活性物质特性的控制,多年来人们一直致力于提高正极活性物质利用率、延长电池寿命的研究。
And it is well known that the non-uniform current and potential distributions on the plate can obviously affect the active mass utilization, especially for the positive plate. 而且极板上不均匀的电流和电位分布会明显影响活性物质的利用率,尤其是正极板。
The effect of additives on the electrolyte and positive plate was investigated and the mechanism of anti-overcharge was determined by the methods of alternating current impedance test and scanning electron microscope. 采用交流阻抗测试和扫描电镜实验等方法研究分析添加剂对电解液和正极片的影响,判断添加剂的防过充机制。